119 Sold
福州芝麻叉烧光饼(7片装) Fuzhou Guang Biscuit - Sesame Char Siu
SKU: RX1.7
RM 35.00
Sold out!
传统手作古早味,你想想,还能享用多少个5年啊?5年后让你尝到,它依然古早味?或只是剩个古早样?福州老味道,也只有福州老师傅知道。所以我们以代理了老师傅的手艺,福州继光饼除了那碳烤香就是那带点韧度的老口感, 慢慢咀嚼,会越吃越香。两种经典口味,油葱和芝麻叉烧,任君选择。
The taste of old Fuzhou, we appreciate the craftmanship and hence, we represent it. Fuzhou "Guang Biscuit" in addition to the charcoal roasted incense with special al-dente palate. Take it slow, every bite will boost your mind. Choose from two classic flavors, shallots and sesame char siu.
The taste of old Fuzhou, we appreciate the craftmanship and hence, we represent it. Fuzhou "Guang Biscuit" in addition to the charcoal roasted incense with special al-dente palate. Take it slow, every bite will boost your mind. Choose from two classic flavors, shallots and sesame char siu.
Reheat option 1, Bread Toeaster: without thawing, set the toast level at 3 until auto pop-up. Repeat the step one more time, and it's ready to serve.
Reheat option 2, Pan Fry: without thawing, slow fry under low heat for 8 minutes, flip it time to time for even crust.
Reheat option 3, With air-fryer at 170•c, air fry for 6minutes and ready to serve.
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之前朋友送过我吃蛮喜欢它的味道, 偶然看到这里有卖 就下单了。包装上的翻热步骤简单 但是烤出来的味道是一流的。外皮脆,馅料香 陪着咖啡真的停不了口。