用心包出一顆一顆美味的粽子,就像外婆親手包給家人品嚐的好滋味,慢火燉煮,糯米獨家醬汁炒香,肉粽食材樣樣嚴選實在!肉粽的鮮、香、甜,皆由食材原味慢火提煉,不添加、无防腐劑。 在家就能安心享用像親外婆包的好滋味。
Carefully wrap out a delicious rice dumpling, just like the taste of grandma's cooking, slow simmering, stir-fried glutinous rice till fragrant with exclusive sauce, every ingredients are carefully selected! The freshness, aroma and sweetness of meat dumplings are all slowly refined from the original taste of the ingredients, without adding preservatives. You can now enjoy the taste of grandma at home.
注:第一批的粽子会在17/04/2023制作, 19/4会陆续发货哦,如有不便敬请见谅。
P/s: The first batch of dumpling will be prepared on 17/4/2023, and started to ship out on 19/1/2023.