椰漿飯參巴(普通)180ml Nasi Lemak Sambal (Normal)
椰漿飯參巴(普通)180ml Nasi Lemak Sambal (Normal)
椰漿飯參巴(普通)180ml Nasi Lemak Sambal (Normal)
椰漿飯參巴(普通)180ml Nasi Lemak Sambal (Normal)
椰漿飯參巴(普通)180ml Nasi Lemak Sambal (Normal)
椰漿飯參巴(普通)180ml Nasi Lemak Sambal (Normal)
338 Sold

椰漿飯參巴(普通)180ml Nasi Lemak Sambal (Normal)

SKU: RX3.3
RM 16.90
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The taste of mum-cook, it is memorable, the chef himself has been a super fans since childhood to the sweet sambal. Personally, I don't think it uses too many condiments, a bowl of hot steaming nasi lemak, a tablespoon of Sweet Sambal with a hardboiled egg can nibble on a lot, yum! Hence sharing to every Nasi Lemak Lover is a MUST. Spiciness is just nice even for your kids, just get your nasi lemak cooked, and leave the rest to Ruixi Sweet Sambal.
Our sweet sambal is not only the best buddy to Nasi Lemak, but also a perfect match to all kind of fried-food, like fried rice and noodles, and surprisingly matches with Hakka Xi-Ban and carrot or yam cake!

温馨提示: 开封后或购买后的一个月则需收进冰箱,建议每次拿取时使用干净的汤匙以免发霉哦。

P/S: Please store in refridgerator once open or not cunsume in 1 month. Advisable to scoop with clean spoon for each use to avoid moldy.


  • 花生油
  • 虾米
  • 大葱
  • 小葱
  • 蒜米
  • 辣椒干
  • 阿叁
  • 纯椰糖


The main ingredients of Sambal:       

  • Peanut oil
  • Dried shrimp
  • Onions
  • Shallots
  • Garlic
  • Dried chili
  • Asam paste
  • Sugar , Pure coconut sugar
  • Salt
  1. The sambal is really special, it is not over sweetness, balanced with saltiness, a touch of sour, especially love the aroma of dried shrimp and onion. Recommended.

  2. 虽然我个人爱特辣版,但是老人家吃不了 说以每次都买2种口味 阖家欢喜。平常买了椰浆饭都不要sambal,然后回家自己加瑞熙的sambal, 很搭呢!

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